We represent brands or ip owners or producers seeking trademark or ip licensing and have a strategic mindset. We seek programs where the target is to build at least $50MM-$100MM in Gross Product Revenues.
Fill out our strategic brand licensing exploratory questionnaire
Connect with a strategic brand licensing expert at Valen Group
We work to find a strategic partner that meets your growth objectives
We help navigate the process of aligning with your new strategic partner
As a top 25 global licensing firm, we work with brand owners and producers to build long-term, sustainable programs generating multi-million dollars in royalty revenue
The Valen Group has led the development of our successful new business in brand extension licensing. The strategy developed helped us identify the best go to market plan for our food brand. They have a deep understanding of the food business that has led to licensed partners. We believe this business will be a long-term success and thanks Valen for their guidance and hardwork
We have significant experience developing and managing brand licensing programs globally that drive multi-million dollars of royalty. For over 15 years we have honed our system to build significant, long-term programs. We are strategic. Our average brand licensing deal is $7.6M which is