Fusion Methodology™ Introduction

Frustrations With Traditional Qualitative Research

Valen Collaborative Innovation Approach leverages Fusion Methodology™ to drive deeper insight, learn quickly and increase confidence in your innovation programs when combined with our entrepreneurial innovation methods.

Fusion Methodology™

Fusion Methodology™ is a qualitative research service designed to bridge the gaps inherently associated with the broadly used traditional qualitative research. This is because traditional qualitative approach is stuck in an old “event” (single hour+) based model which provides little context and depth and falls short of supporting agile, entrepreneurial methods. Online platforms provide more agility but still don’t solve the insight depth issue because they just replicate faster shallow responses.

Our FRUSTRATIONS with Consumer Interaction

  • Authentic participant discussion were difficult due to 1-2 hour limits
  • Single interactions worked for single quest/answer but not depth we needed
  • Participants have difficulty clearly articulating problems in a short period of time

Our FRUSTRATIONS with Capturing the Best Insights

  • We wished we had more time and flexibility to talk to participants
  • We did not want to try to anticipate every question but rather iterate over time with participants
  • We were willing to give up talking to large numbers of consumers in qualitative for improving quality, depth and agility of interactions


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What Makes Fusion Different?

Vested Interest

Fusion is a shift that redefines the consumer from a transactional source of information to a trusted contributor. Fusion intensive screening makes the difference from the typical project because of a participant’s vested interest in critical problems in need of innovative solutions.

Continuous insights

Fusion allows you to plan for weeks/months-long consumer touchpoints. Reach your audience in-home, in-store, online and everywhere in-between.

Agility + Depth

Fusion Methodology™ matches the agility of your entrepreneurial approach while providing you with an environment for rich, trusted engagement to gather insight. If your project requires timely answers with the ability to evolve questions and iterate at each stage/sprint in your development journey, Fusion can provide you with a seamless series of deep relationship-level interactions between your stakeholders and your project team.

Uses of Methodology

Marketing: Brand positioning or concept messaging, vetting or honing message Early Stage Discovery: Deep insight and problem framing for break-through, transformational or white space innovation Innovation:

  • Concept Development, Product Development, Product Improvement/Optimization
  • Front-End Innovation, Renovation, Brand Extension

Iterative Feedback: Agile Prototyping, Qualitative User Testing Journey Mapping: Map problems, needs, emotions, and events of target segment

We utilize the Fusion Methodology™ to identify insights early, and often within our consulting projects. If you’d like to learn more about how we provide consulting work please ask us!

Compare Fusion to Traditional Methods