
Concept Development

We provide concept development best practices to deliver concept copy and visualizations as well as supporting agile market learning and concept testing.

We provide a multi-disciplinary perspective when developing concepts from the fields of agile marketing learning, concept testing, marketing, innovation and design strategy.  We use empathy to understand the target consumer and best practice concept writing framework to ensure the key elements of communication are included. 

our approach

We provide services to help express the idea or concept to utilize at all stages of innovation and marketing communication process. 

  • Concept Writing – draft concept statements or copy for testing 
  • Concept Visualization – sketch, diagram, packaging mock-up, etc. 
  • Qualitative Concept Shaping – understand language and clarity of elements
  • Concept Testing – custom quantitative study to guide product development choices or determine purchase interest, positioning, preference, or market opportunity sizing 
  • Collaborative Workshops – Ideation and Drafting Sessions 

We utilize agile market learning methods and sound concept development frameworks to deliver winning concepts. We believe that insight and consumer feedback should shape the concept development process. This can be from agile market learning we provide or from previous work we leverage to draft concepts.  

We utilize empathy and customer journey mapping to frame the situation and pull-out tensions to define concept areas and a proven concept development framework to shape communication.  We use Design Strategy experience to ensure consistency in putting together all the elements of concept. Custom quantitative testing methods that can help validate positioning, opportunity size and likelihood of success.




Valen Group named A top-trending firm for innovation consulting by Forrester Research