Recruiting for a Fusion Methodology sprint begins with our rigorous process to ensure participants have a vested interest. Prior to engaging, collaborative learnings are collected to start the opening process.
Quantitative validation and other methods are included based upon project needs.
During Fusion, we utilize multiple sprints focusing on various Agile Market Learning methods. These methods garner unique insights through an iterative, sprint-based approach. The typical length of a Fusion sprint is 2 weeks. Number of sprints may vary for further learning or matched to fit the intensity of product- testing allowing rapid prototyping iterations.
The output is weekly report outs to provide ability to adjust learning to where the insight guides us to further explore tensions and opportunities. We follow consumers along their journey and capture video insights as well as transcription and all media.
& Capturing
We utilize an online video interview platform for private, backroom live viewing and team interactions. We provide full transparency by storing insight in an online catalog accessible to team with tools for further analysis during the sprint or as a future reference.
Fusion Methodology™ delivers:
- Highly Engaged Consumers/Customers
- Empathy-Based Exploration for Qualitative Insights
- Ongoing and Iterative Conversations with Target Consumers
- Mixed Method Agile Market Learning
- Holistic Rapid Prototyping & Iterative Development Cycles
- Weekly Sprint Updates & Planning
- Weekly Video Insights & Highlights
Use Cases
Agile Market Learning: Customer Journey Maps, Jobs-to-be Done (JTBD), Early Exploratory Insight to identify insight such as tensions, habits/behaviors, and opportunity areas
Innovation & Agile Product Testing: Early-stage opportunity areas, concept development and validation, business model identification, rapid-prototyping and in-depth product testing
Marketing & Branding: Provide context of language and clarity on messaging, identify and hone positioning, benefits, visualization, and other campaign elements
Vested Interest
Fusion is a shift that redefines the consumer from a transactional source of information to a trusted contributor. Our Intensive screening makes the difference from a typical project because of participants' vested interest in the problem.
Continuous Insight
Sprint-based consumer touchpoints over a period of time. Seamless mix of observation and deep relationship-level interactions between consumers and your project team. Reach your audience in-home, in-store, online and everywhere in-between to capture the whole journey.
Agility + Depth
Fusion matches the agility of your entrepreneurial approach while providing you with an environment for rich, trusted engagement to gather insight. Sprints are designed to evolve questions and iterate within the insight development journey.
Video Insight Deliverables
We mix observation, interaction and self-reporting to provide deep contextual insight. Our video platform provides tools for collaborative live viewing, text/video analysis, instant video clip sharing and timely agile report-outs.